Visual Studio 100% disk usage

(Comment for others landing here as @Marta explains that the problem no longer persists on their machine.) In general, any performance issue in Visual Studio should be reported to Microsoft. It’s easy to do this directly from VS using the Report a Problem tool. That feature will automatically attach logs/traces which are shared privately with … Read more

How windows handle the clipboard interface with Xming?

Your observation that the delay is proportional to the number of characters pasted should be expected, since each of those characters must be fed through the SSH terminal, a serial pipeline. Additionally, rendering those characters on your end takes some effort from Windows. I suspect that the reason that you see less delay with your … Read more

Why can’t 64-bit Windows unwind user-kernel-user exceptions?

I’m the developer who wrote this Hotfix a loooooooong time ago as well as the blog post. The main reason is that the full register file isn’t always captured when you transition into kernel space, for performance reasons. If you make a normal syscall, the x64 Application Binary Interface (ABI) only requires you to preserve … Read more

How to deploy Dockerfile and application files to boot2docker

Not sure if it helps under windows. But for Mac see: boot2docker together with VirtualBox Guest Additions How to mount /Users into boot2docker tl;dr Build your own custom boot2docker.iso with VirtualBox Guest Additions (see link) or download and save it to ~/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso.