Why should my team adopt source control? [closed]

Let’s compare two examples, one development environment that uses source control, and one that doesn’t. A: Does Use B: Does not Use Scenario 1: A project is requested, completed, and rolled out A + B) Programmers develop the project internally, when it’s completed, push it out to testing, and then deliver to the client (whoever …

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Will TortoiseSVN 1.7 work properly against a SVN 1.6 repository?

In the release notes Older clients and servers interoperate transparently with 1.7 servers and clients … Subversion 1.7 servers use the same repository format as Subversion 1.6. Therefore, it is possible to seamlessly upgrade and downgrade between 1.6.x and 1.7.x servers without changing the format of the on-disk repositories There is no need to do …

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