Terminal: Where is the shell start-up file?

You’re probably using bash so just add these 3 lines to ~/.bash_profile: $ cat >> ~/.bash_profile export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/directory-you-do-development-in source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh ^D where ^D means you type Control+D (EOF). Then either close your terminal window and open a new one, or you can “reload” your .bash_profile like this: $ source ~/.bash_profile

What does the colon do in PATH

: is the separator. The PATH variable is itself a list of folders that are “walked” through when you run a command. In this case, the folders on your PATH are: /Users/chengluli/anaconda/bin /Users/chengluli/.rbenv/shims /

How to format console output in columns

You can use the column command: me@home$ column -t output.txt CHAR.L 96.88 -6.75 (-6.49%) MXP.L 12.62 -1.00 (-7.41%) NEW.L 7.88 -0.75 (-8.57%) AGQ.L 17.75 -0.62 (-3.40%) RMP.L 13.12 -0.38 (-2.75%) RRR.L 3.35 -0.20 (-5.71%) RRL.L 7.95 -0.15 (-1.85%) SOU.L 1.73 -0.10 (-5.22%) YELL.L 5.47 -0.04 (-0.73%) AMC.L 9.75 -0.01 (-0.05%) PLU:USOP 95.40 0.00 (+0%) BP-.L … Read more

double click and select the path(including ‘/’) in Terminal.app

Given the age of this question, you have probable found the answer elsewhere already, but if not, here’s how to do it in “newer” versions of Terminal (Leopard 10.5 and Snow Leopard 10.6)… ⌘ ⇧ double-click See also here. Just to summarize: to select a path or a URL: command–shift–double-click ⌘ ⇧ double-click to select … Read more