How to get data from old offset point in Kafka?

The consumers belong always to a group and, for each partition, the Zookeeper keeps track of the progress of that consumer group in the partition. To fetch from the beginning, you can delete all the data associated with progress as Hussain refered ZkUtils.maybeDeletePath(${zkhost:zkport}”, “/consumers/${}”); You can also specify the offset of partition you want, as …

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How do I get the offset().top value of an element without using jQuery?

use getBoundingClientRect if $el is the actual DOM object: var top = $el.getBoundingClientRect().top; JSFiddle Fiddle will show that this will get the same value that jquery’s offset top will give you Edit: as mentioned in comments this does not account for scrolled content, below is the code that jQuery uses (5/13/2015) offset: function( options …

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How to change start offset for topic?

Since kafka you can use the script Example from this answer –bootstrap-server kafka-host:9092 –group my-group –reset-offsets –to-earliest –all-topics –execute Other options listed in the KIP-122: Add Reset Consumer Group Offsets tooling .———————-.———————————————–.———————————————————————————————————————————————-. | Scenario | Arguments | Example | :———————-+———————————————–+———————————————————————————————————————————————-: | Reset to Datetime | –to-datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss±hh:mm | Reset to first offset …

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offsetting an html anchor to adjust for fixed header [duplicate]

You could just use CSS without any javascript. Give your anchor a class: <a class=”anchor” id=”top”></a> You can then position the anchor an offset higher or lower than where it actually appears on the page, by making it a block element and relatively positioning it. -250px will position the anchor up 250px a.anchor { display: …

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